The Cure
Article for August 2010
Many diseases have plagued mankind over the centuries. Diseases like leprosy, smallpox, chickenpox, Yellow Fever, Bubonic plague, HIV AIDS. These diseases have killed thousands over the years, decimating communities and causing untold misery and suffering and heart ache. Cures have been found for some of these diseases and some have got vaccines to prevent people from getting these diseases.
How much energy, time and money has been spent on getting this far in the search for ‘The Cure’ to ward off the suffering of these various ailments?
There is another disease that affects humans, it is contagious, dangerous and has been around since the world began. The symptoms are sometimes difficult to see, because we do not want to see them! The symptoms are not like other diseases which produce headaches, or fever, or nausea. The symptoms are actually enjoyable! We sometimes actively pursue these symptoms. The name of this disease has only three letters and the middle letter is an ‘i’. No, it is not HIV, it’s far worse than that terrible disease, it is called SIN!!
You will come in contact with this disease everywhere! At home, at work, at play, at the movies, in books, at school, on TV, sometimes even in church!
There is a cure, that will remove the sin from our lives, but we get re-infected time after time and if left untreated we will DIE!
If you knew you had the cure to HIV AIDS, would tell anyone? Would you proclaim it from the mountain tops, would you give this cure to everyone who was infected? Of course you would, any person with a heart would. Yet, many people know the cure to sin, but are keeping quiet.
Once again, we do not intend to ‘run’ your life for you. The choices are yours to make, but you need to know all of the facts to make a good decision. Do not just accept what has been written, read the scriptures for yourselves and see what God has said.