In every country, in virtually every city there are statues, plaques, building and bridges which are build ‘in remembrance’ of some person who was important to that country. In every graveyard there headstones with names and dates on, put there by the deceased persons family, they do this so that people will not forget their loved ones. All over the world they have a ceremony in honour of the ‘unknown soldier’ or to soldiers who have fallen in battle.
How many people actually remember the ‘unknown soldier’? Nobody, the only people who remember soldiers, are the soldiers family and friends. It is obvious why this happens – it is because these people loved those who have fallen on some battle field! People do not really care about those who they do not know, they might ‘care’ in purely a cerebral manner, but there are no emotions involved because they did not love the person being remembered.
God gave us a ‘ceremony’ by which we are to remember His only Son, Jesus. This is commonly called ‘The Lords’ Supper’ and unfortunately can fall into the same category as the ceremonies for ‘The Unknown Soldier’. Jesus may be remembered but not like one remembers a lost brother or parent. Why? Because there is no love. Why is there no love? Because there is no knowledge, you do not love people that you do not know.
Next time you participate in the “Lord’s Supper” look at how emotionally involved you are. Are you doing it in a ‘mechanical’ manner, or are you remembering like you remember a family member who has passed away?
There is one more difference between the remembrance ceremonies of fallen heroes and that of Jesus – Jesus is still ALIVE!! So though we remember the way He died, we also remember the way He came back to life again.
Once again, we do not intend to ‘run’ your life for you. The choices are yours to make, but you need to know all of the facts to make a good decision. Do not just accept what has been written, read the scriptures for yourselves and see what God has said.
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