There was an Ethiopian eunuch who was travelling back to his homeland after being in Jerusalem, and he was reading from the Scriptures. Philip, the evangelist asked the Ethiopian eunuch the question,
‘Do you know what you are reading?’
To which the eunuch replied,
‘How can I unless someone explains it to me?’
(This occasion may be read in Acts 8:26-40)
Philip taught him ‘Jesus’ from that very passage of Scripture, which happened to be what we recognise as Isaiah 53:7,8.
There is a lesson for us in these words.
How can people understand unless they are taught, who better to teach than those you know them, in other words who better to teach your friends than YOU?
Are you capable to do this?
Do you KNOW the truth and are you able to show it to others?
How many people have you asked; ‘Do you know what you are reading?’
How many have answered something along the lines that the eunuch answered?
How many were you able to help by teaching them Jesus?
It is every Christians responsibility to help others find the truth, it may be that you can teach them the truth from Scripture yourself, or, it may be that you know who is able to do the teaching and you can point the way to that person. Either way, we need to be asking if people understand and them help find the understanding if they do not understand.
Once again, we do not intend to ‘run’ your life for you. The choices are yours to make, but you need to know all of the facts to make a good decision. Do not just accept what has been written, read the scriptures for yourselves and see what God has said.