Many celebrities come to South Africa to meet Nelson Mandela. Why do they do this? They do it because they hold him in high regard, they respect him and want the honour of shaking his hand. Who would you like to meet? Would it be someone like Brat Pitt, or Lady Gaga, or Einstein , or maybe someone like Moses or Noah, maybe king David or his son Solomon?
How about meeting Jesus? What would you ask Him, what would you talk about? I am sure that there would be hundreds of questions like, what was it like conquering death? What did you think about when they took you away to kill you?
There is one person you probably have not thought of, would you like to meet – YOU? This is not an easy question to answer honestly, but would you like yourself or would you think you are too quiet, or pushy, or egotistical, or whatever?
What would you think about a celebrity wanting to meet you? How exciting would that be? There is a VERY famous person who does want to meet you – the king of kings, and Lord of Lords – Jesus Himself!!
Rev 3:20
20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock . If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
Jesus is at YOUR door, knocking, wanting to come in a visit with you. He wants you to invite Him in. What an honour, what a privilege that the MOST famous person in the whole world wants to meet YOU! Yet so many of us refuse His entrance, refuse to acknowledge Him! Lets open our hearts and invite Jesus in to come and visit and make Himself at home there!
Once again, we do not intend to ‘run’ your life for you. The choices are yours to make, but you need to know all of the facts to make a good decision. Do not just accept what has been written, read the scriptures for yourselves and see what God has said.